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Friday 7 November 2014

A Perfect Guide For Men To Choose a Perfect Striped Tie

When going for men’s striped ties in UK, you will come across a wide range of choices that are essentially made for more formal occasions. This is because stripes are seldom casual.  However, there are some in brighter shades that go with denims too! Get the option that suits you best and flaunt those stripes.

From dominant colors to subtle shades, rough textures to sleek ones, there are many factors that dictate the choice of men’s stripped ties. And picking the one with those stripes is more tricky as it doesn’t really compliment just about any other shirt in your wardrobe.

Go With The Right Texture

Depending on the width and type of stripes, choose a suitable texture for your tie. Don’t go with silk and delicate materials when you are opting for broader stripes. If you are a tie aficionado, you’ll know this rule. Sleek textures look best when the stripes are slimmer. Broader stripes go well with regular fabrics.

Choose The Right Colour

As a thumb rule, stripes in ties are already a tricky affair and when you choose brighter tones, you goof up even more. The smoother, the better. Go with natural shades and even if the contrast between the base colour and stripes is striking, keep the tones soft.

Monday 3 November 2014

Add Charm To Your Wedding Attire With Cufflinks

Apart from just accentuating the look, cufflinks add that missing element to your wedding dress. For instance, if you are wearing something too sober, cufflinks can be the interesting element in your dress with its sheen and glitter (depending on preferences). 


They are sexy, sassy and give you a completely sexy look - cheap wedding cufflinks are now easily available. They enhance your wardrobe and make even a boring formal shirt look extremely elegant. And when you want something to accentuate the texture of your wedding dress, they give you just the right look.

Cufflinks For A Stylish Look

They add a dash of glamor to your wedding wardrobe. Whether you wear these with a suit jacket or just match them with the tone of your belt over anything casual, cufflinks give your dressing style a new accessory to enhance the overall look. When you’re choosing wedding cufflinks in UK, go with options that go with the entire look of your wedding design.

They Speak Volumes About Your Personality

Cufflinks are used according to one’s taste which is why they help in giving a straight message about your style statement and personality. For instance, if you are a little serious in nature and by profession, you will end up choosing more serious shades and designs. And sometimes they add to the charm of the entire dress or suit.


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